Men ought always to pray and not to faint...Lk 18:1. The call to prayer is firstly God's prompt and man's response, not otherwise Jer 33:3

The length of prayer

So many questions and arguments have arisen about the subject of the length of prayer. Certain people feel that prayer should be a concise dialogue with God, some others argue for the fact that prayer should be as long as day and night since it is man spending quality time with his maker. Jesus prayed both short and long prayers, but the heart of all is a deep fellowship with the father, Ps 63:1.

 Prayer is dependent on relationship status with God, the more He has you, the more time you would want to spend with Him; it is principally based on our fellowship with Him. I believe that the more you are given to Him, the more time you spend with him.

Distractions at prayer

Anything that distracts in the place of prayer is the devil and the devil’s. Jesus told the disciples to go into the closet and shut the door Mt 6:6 which talks about shutting oneself out of every distraction. Ensure that you do not allow distractions.

Volume at prayer/Vocalization at prayer

Should we pray out loud, or make silent whispers while communing with God? Some folks believe that the louder the prayer, the more potent it is, some believe that a silent whisper is all that God requires. Firstly, there isn’t any vocal standard for prayer, secondly, If being vocal helps you to stay focused and undistracted, keep at it Mt 9:27


  1. There are so many distractions to prayers nowadays. Even when you shut yourself inside, your thought can be a hindrance, the environment can be a hindrance, time to be spent can be an hindrance.
    I am often affected by these factors because I feel I have a lot to discuss with The Lord.

    1. Hmmm, and that's where a once in a while retreat come in

  2. The bible say pray without ceasing 1Thess5:17. Meaning at all times. You can pray while walking, working, driving, bathing etc either loud or silient but your environment will determine that. The least hour we were encouraged to pray is 1hour. Jesus ask his disciple why they cannot tarry for him for 1hour. The fact that you cannot pray for 1hour, does not say you shouldn't pray at all. You should alway pray even with little time you have. The more you pray, the more victory you get but if you refused to pray, then you become a prey to the devil. Though we have more distractions but if we do not allow distractions it won't hinder us. We shall not be preys to the enemies in Jesus name


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