Some years ago, I paid my spiritual father a visit, I was a student at the time. Such times were golden for me as I get to receive scripture insights, corrections and ask questions. 

On this day, He told us about a rich woman who was barren; she had ridden to the market in her beautiful car and was about to leave after she bought all she needed to buy. A man ran swiftly to her begging for alms, he pleaded but the lady didn’t answer him. As she wound up the glass of her car, the man said ‘I have been begging you for money even if it’s just 10 Naira you can’t give, I visited you again today yet you failed the test; you would have given birth to your child a long time ago but your stinginess wouldn’t let you.  She ignored the man and drove off. As soon as she got home her pastor visited her and told her that God said he visited her again today, but she failed the test as always and for this reason, she would remain barren.

He told us another true-life story of a poor man who visited the prayer mountain for a 40 day fast and prayer. When he was done, the only money that he had with him was 20 naira and it was his transport fare; he didn’t even have any food to break the fast, he was very poor.  As he left the prayer mountain, a mad man ran to him begging him for N20. The same amount of money was all he had with him.  Remember he had nothing to eat. He gave the mad man the money out of his generosity. And suddenly the mad man threw a bag at him and ran away. He ran after the mad man so he could return the bag but couldn't meet up. When he didn’t see the mad man again he stopped to check what was in the bag, behold, he saw a lot of dollar bills in the bag; that how he became very rich. True life stories

‘be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels unawares Heb 13:2. Also, read Matt 25:36-46;

Be kind to others because you don’t know who God has placed as your angel (helper). Many times helpers might not appear in an attractive manner: they sometimes come in a despiteful manner. Just like Naaman’s slave girl who later turned out to be his helper.  Read 2 Kings 5:1-16; she showed Naaman where he could get the solution to his problem. Joseph’s fellow prisoners were worried about their outturn and future; he was nice to them by showing concern and interpreting their dreams not knowing that one of them would help him get to the palace, read Gen 40:1-23 and Gen 41:1-45. That person looking up to you for help now might become your destined future helper.  How you treat them matters. Beware!!

 Written by: Temitope Akinyemi


  1. Wow I love this, may God give us the grace to be kind and give to the needy in Jesus name

  2. We are meant to help each other to stand. Abraham was kind to Angel unknown to him and was blessed with Isaac, likewise widow of zaraphath was kind to Elijah and she did not lack again and so on. Though we live in the world full of evil, whereby you help someone fianacially and use the money give to him/her for ritual or sold it to ritualist, with all the evil around us, we till need to help. All we need to do is to ask God for spirit of discernment, also remember first the people that are in the same fold with you (believers) be kind to them and extend the same kindness to unbelievers through evangelism by meet their needs as you can afford and then bring them to christ.I pray we will not miss our blessings through stinginess and greediness in Jesus name

  3. Wow! Wonderful!
    I believe every help rendered to someone in need is like putting treasures in a well secured account. Whenever you need help, withdrawals are made from such accounts to settle you too. If you are a cheerful generous giver, the interest on those savings can even make you wealthy.
    God bless you Ma.


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