The Mind of the Just is Blessed

According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness…2 Pet 1:3

There is a special type of life and living expected of the believer; this is given and revealed by God in many places in the scriptures. You aren't supposed to live just any kind of life but the God designated type of life. This life, Zoe (the God kind) is that which shines, it outshines every darkness Jn 1:3; likewise, the living is that which glorifies God.

One thing that aids this kind of living is the right understanding. The understanding has to be taught this kind of living for a full manifestation of the life to be actualized, see more about the life Here

Understanding the understanding is crucial to living a full life:

The understanding must comprehend in reasonable terms, what this life is and what it is about. The understanding must also understand how to harness and live the life. The depth of the understanding determines what our eventual life outturn and outcomes will be; the scriptures put it this way, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he, Prov 23:7; for from it flows all the issues of life Pr 4:23. 

What you will become and what you will have is determined by the way you form things in your understanding. Insight is the basis for outcomes. If your understanding is defective, then all of life around you will be defective, if otherwise, then you get a great life.

Your life and the understanding: Facts

The quality of life you live is determined by the measure of your understanding

Your outlook of life is determined by your understanding  

All the issues of life are framed by your manner of understanding

Your results are determined by your understanding

It is important that you align your understanding to the word of God so that it might enlightened in the reception and representation of life in the light of the word.



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