Your little beginnings must not be despised.

Do not despise these small beginnings…Zech 4:10

Beginnings mostly come in or as little packages; it can be said in other terms that they are little 'Little beginnings. Many people have the habit of looking down on this period, people or stage in life. Many often attribute insignificance to this stage or do not take it serious because they do not see huge impact or noticeable impactful activity.

The reality is ‘they are wrong

Why Beginnings are not to be Despised

1. The beginning though frail or little is the foundation that will bear the whole weight of tomorrow

2. Today, though not large or noticeable is the root that anchors all that tomorrow will be seen as

3. The beginnings though little is the courage and strength of tomorrow

4. Everything in life is built from down up and not the other way round

Paul admonished Timothy not let anyone look down (despise) on him because he is young. Let no man despise thy youth…1 Tim 4:12. This phase (beginning) is not to be looked down upon and in fact needs to be guarded jealously and protected zealously. The king, Solomon said ‘our vines have tender grapes and needs to be protected from the foxes’ Songs 2:14-15.

Don’t let anyone take this season away from you, neither let anyone tear it down and more importantly, don’t be careless enough not look down on this very important stage/phase, you might write off an entire future; you may bruise a budding destiny

Do you have a start up project, are you in a pioneer season, guard it jealously; your little beginnings must not be despised.



  1. May God help us to remember our beginnings appropriately for better trust in God and greater decision making.

    Thank you sir

  2. Though our beginning is small our end will surely be great in Jesus name. Amen.

  3. No matter how small today may look like, tomorrow will be greater if we remain focus and determine. May our little begining yield abundant result in Jesus name. Thank you sir


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