Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Rev 3:20

Jesus is the king, the savior, the messiah that was sent ‘he came unto His own, John 1:11, and will come again for man’s complete Salvation.

When Jesus came, many were unavailable

The Jewish people were always physically present in the synagogue, they always loved to be there, but were never always in the presence of God, they drew close to God with their mouth, but their heart was really far away, he asked that they come to him, ‘come to me all ye that labour Mt 11:28’ but they never would, always unavailable for Him to forgive, bless, heal and satisfy. Any man that hasn’t meant the Lord is missing quite a lot, the Jewish scenario describes what happens today, where many of us are unavailable for the Lord though our profession is Christianly, many will attend church today, but our hearts are far away from the Lord. We abound physically but are spiritually absent.

When Jesus came, many were busy

Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem in what seemed like a fanfare, but the people were too busy to receive him into the temple of their hearts ‘I stand at the door Rev 3:20’ Buying and selling kept them busy that Jesus didn’t have a place in their hearts. The parable was told of the seed that was choked by the cares of the world; such is the man that is lured away by his business. This looks very much like what happens today, we are filled with our works and pursuits of success than are ever bothered about giving Him His due place in our lives. If busyness is your excuse, you have just found a reason why you may not go up the ladder of life, a strong reason why you might be disqualified from grace.

When Jesus came, many were not willing

Many would not follow Him because they believed not in Him, many decided not to follow Him, because they were deceived, they only saw Him as another prophet, many said He’s not the way. The will of man always follows what He believes, and since many do not believe in him, they were not willing to let Him in when they heard His knock at the door of their hearts. They weren’t busy, nor were unavailable, but were unwilling because they were blinded and dull of hearing.

Jesus is coming again

Jesus Is coming again and this coming would not be to heal the sick or to preach salvation, but to take home the saints that they might reign with him forever ‘And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be’ Rev 12:22, but all sinners shall have their part in the lake of fire that burneth with fire and brime stone, all liars, and blasphemers… shall have their part in the lake of fire, but you can reign with him when he comes.

How this concerns you!

Very soon, the world stage would be set for events that will be too hard to bear, these are already unfolding, the only way out is to follow Christ!


  1. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. When you know the way that lead to the truth, the you can be sure of eternity. Jesus is knocking open your heart unto him that he might come in. He is ready to carry our burden if only we let in. God bless you sir

    1. Hallelujah. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life


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