Prov 22:29

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

Do you see any truly competent workers? They will serve kings rather than working for ordinary people. NLT

Do you know a hard-working man? He shall be successful and stand before kings! LB

Observe people who are good at their work. Skilled workers are always in demand and admired: they don’t take the back seat to anyone. MSGB

Do you see a man skillful and experienced in his work? He will stand [in honor] before kings;
He will not stand before obscure men. Amplified

Watch out, Observe, Can you see, Do you see, Do you know!

How do you know the end from the beginning, how do I know that the work that I am engaged in has a future or is worthwhile?

You are to watch out for the road that leads to the goal (the final product). Since you are to observe the man that is diligent at his work, what you are to watch out for is the know-how, the process. You need this because it is the precursor to the end, for there is an end.

Here are 4 things about the process

1. Everything happens through a process, the process that you submit yourself to is crucial to what you become

2. The process helps to know where a man will lie in the future, it also helps to know and predict outcomes.

3. You are a product of the sum total of the things and processes that you commit to and submit yourself to Gen 22:8.

4. Everything must go through a process, the more thorough, the better, all products will not have the same ratings, quality and value, the process determines the product.

The process for you

The process is a laid down routine that refines who you are and what you do. The process for you depends on whom you are and on what you do. For your work, study, business, secular pursuit, there is a process, ensure to submit yourself to it, follow the study routine, apprentice period, discipleship and the necessary mentorship protocols required.

Nothing just happens, greatness doesn’t just happen, everything is triggered, leaders are not born, they are made, Jesus submitted Himself to suffering Heb 2:10 that he may make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering, Jesus is the Great God, but in His earthly mission, he submitted Himself to the process But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men Phil 2:7. So, the best way to predict a future is to watch out for a consistent life pattern, commitment and value. Do you see, can you observe, in other words, to see the future, try to observe the process patterns of today.


  1. You are perfectly right sir. There are two things that matter in product, the packaging and quality of the product. The two are important but what will make it to stand a test of time is the quality of the product. In any man life you need to be diligent in all you do because it brings out the quality in you and as result you will stand and sit among people that matter.

  2. Good words sir. Thanks for the piece

  3. Quality insight sir. I've missed the juice here


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