Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth...Mt 5:5

Happy is that man that is meek, because he shall inherit the earth…in other words, be happy you meek man, because you will inherit the earth. The earth being referred to is not this present corrupt system, but that which is to come For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain’, Is 66:22. The new earth would remain and the meek would be given the residency to dwell therein, he would have the full right by covenant relationship with the father to live on the earth. A synonymous word to ‘inherit’ is ‘to come into’ and it suggests that something must be on ground already for one to enter into, there must be precedents and then antecedents.

 Meekness according to scriptures is the ability to keep strength or power under control. The world describes strong people as those that are assertive, proud, self-sufficient, and independent but a meek person is the opposite of these things, therefore many people associate meekness with weakness. A meek person is willing to be submissive, is humble, relies on God, and is dependent on Him to provide Him strength at all times. Many times, humble is used in the place of meek because they carry the same depth of meaning.

3 people in the bible specifically described as meek

MOSES Num 12:3. Moses was said to be the meekest man on the earth at some point in history. By training, learning and knowledge, and later spiritual positioning, he was levels above all in His generation, but he could connect to the least of His people. We must put in check our graces and not be ridden by our strength and Excellences.

JESUS Mt 11:29, Jesus is our ultimate example, He is our message. Jesus here bears his own testimony of being meek and lowly in heart. Phil 2:9 describes the kenosis (self-emptying) of Christ; He was everything but became nothing to serve man. Zech 9:9 is an Old Testament witness of Christ’s meekness.

PAUL 2 Corr 10:1 who in the presence of Christ, I am lowly among you, Paul said that he was lowly or humble, also referred to the meekness of Christ.

You can still make the list of meek men who would inherit the earth, as a future benefit. Being meek doesn’t signify weakness; it is your hidden strength. 


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