The Carnal mind is enmity against God

Man was created to be the fullest direct expression of God’s glory upon the earth; he was supposed to be God’s direct authority on the earth. When in perfect union and fellowship with the Lord, man was able to represent the Lord in all fullness, but when man fell, his attention drifted from God to the flesh or world consciousness which is where the devil operates from, he drifted from paying attention to the spirit and the spiritual to the flesh. Many of us pay attention to the flesh, much to our own detriment.

At the fall in the garden of Eden, man’s primary focus became his flesh, he needed to make a cover for it, there were so many things about him that needed to be concealed away from others, he was even trying to hide things from God, his spiritual understanding failed him at this moment because his spirit was not alive anymore to God; he had become carnally minded, always centered towards the flesh. Man failed to comprehend the truth that God knows and sees all secrets (His nakedness).

Under self-consciousness, man sees the self, he does things according to flesh and self-perception, understanding and judgment are based on the senses(what and how he sees, hears, can touch, or is touched by, what he could smell and taste) only. His satisfaction is for and from the flesh (sensual excitation). 

In this state, man gives in to all the desires of the flesh, he consults the flesh only before making decisions. Life’s complexities resulted and still result from that consciousness, the self does not care for others, it cares only for itself which is totally against the will of the Lord. It cannot love, God is love, love is God’s nature, not the flesh’s. That is why men are greedy, adulterous, selfish, self-effacing, all due to the complexities that arise from flesh dependence.

Are you self-conscious? are you carnal? Come to Jesus today, yield to the Holy Spirit today!

Genesis 3:1-13, Rom 8:7

Surely, this has blessed you; reach back to us via mail to God bless you, you could also be a blessing source by joining with us to pray for others.


  1. Just like I have always pray that God will His Holy Spirit help us to live according to His initial plans.
    Many has also failed trying to please GOD in the wrong way. The Holy Spirit through The Lord Jesus Christ is our only way out.
    Thank you for the message Sir. God bless you

  2. Dear Lord, I ask for grace to always pay attention to the things of the spirit and not the things of the flesh in Jesus name. Amen.


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