Don’t just adjust the outcome, adjust your pattern of thought

Everything around you is a manifestation of a pattern of thinking, your thoughts and thinking shape your world. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he Prov 23:7

Here are a few thought lines to help your daily life

Eliminate Welfare Attitude: Intentionally decide against depending on others and social welfare mentality. This broadens your thought scope and opens you to channels of work; while the scriptures encourage all to give, it never encourages people to be lazy or dependent, rather, to work Prov 12:24.

Locate yourself in the right environment: Beware of toxic people and places; you need an air of fresh breath around you. Surround yourself in a pleasing, uplifting and beautiful environment; you will experience better mood and a better life Gen 2:1-7.

Don’t belittle yourself: Eliminate the ‘us’ (poor) and ‘them’ (rich) kind of thinking, see yourself as rich and young and eventually become it. Expand yourself instead and see how much increase will flow to you, you deserve more Zech 4:10

Respect others, don’t envy: Most of the moral laws were written to help us draw proprietary boundary, to respect people and what belongs to them. Proscribe envy and jealousy towards rich people so that you will not always blame life as being unfair and indeed it isn’t fair to anyone but realistic to all.

The Company you keep: The saying goes, birds of feather flock together: You become like the people that you associate with most of the time. You become what and whom you spend your time with. Pr 13:20

Watch your influences: What and who are your prime influences? What influences your decisions? Are they steering you aright or derailing you; Are they result oriented or are they demeaning, watch it! Take charge of your influences: mind the movies, music, books that influence you also the media you expose yourself to.

Make serious and committed dedication to self development.


  1. Help keep my heart with all diligent dear Lord in Jesus name. Amen

  2. The power of thought is beyond human comprehension. May we be blessed with the mind of godliness.


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