He makes me lie down in green pasture; he leads me beside the still waters...Ps 23:2

Growing up, I loved my father and believed in him a lot; he was the most knowledgeable person I knew, he was my encyclopedia as he seemed to have an answer to every question and an opinion on every subject. The most interesting part was my knowledge and perception of his plans for me; he would tell about the amount that he was saving up for us while we were yet children; this and many more made me look forward to a future of plenty.

When God directs your affairs, His destination is the green life, Jer 29:11. The Psalmist declared He makes me lie down in green pasture; he leads me beside the still waters. The scripture brings assurances in three basic things; Rest, Hunger, and Thirst. You shall find rest for your soul when entrusted to the savior Mt 11:29, hunger and thirst are taken care of when you are His, Ps 34:10. You needn’t suffer any dryness or when under the leadership of the good shepherd.

Now, you might be going through trying times or faced with tough circumstances as are the tides of life sometimes, the shepherd would lead you through till you are rested in a convenient place.

The Psalmist was only able to conveniently tell about this gracious provision because he had a personal encounter with the shepherd and he knew what he benefitted from his submission to the shepherd. Do you know the Lord? Are you submitted to Him?

Whom you submit to matters as it determines what your eventual life out turn would be. Are you hungry; are you thirsty, do you seek rest for your soul?

The shepherd is still available, Jesus is yet calling…



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