He makes me lie down in green pastures… Ps 23:2

While preparing for my youth service, I had two options: to await the commission’s official posting or to influence the posting. I decided to influence the posting; however, I called an aunt I loved and respected, seeking her opinion. Aunt T outrightly told me to drop the idea. She was instructive, so I obeyed, and in the end, I was glad.

Sometimes, God's abundant provision could be easily missed though it is designed to be found quite easily. The Green Life is God's provision but He will have to guide us into it. If you are not submitted to Him, you will miss it. 

The apostle Paul counseled, let everyone be subject to the higher powers, Rom 13:1 If you would land safely in Destiny Port, then you must be guided rightly always. There must be an authority figure(s) that you are submitted to, one who can hold you accountable. These figures in our lives help us to come down from our high horses, people who can humble our pride and hurt our ego when needed. To this end, the Psalmist praised His shepherd, who 'makes him lie down'. Without this figure(s) in your life, you may be headed for a dangerous slope.

There is a proverbial saying amongst the Yoruba people in Nigeria ‘The dog that would get lost does not heed the whistle of the hunter’ This means that anyone who doesn’t heed instruction is headed for destruction. Who is that one person whose language you understand, whose chastisement you cherish? 

 Do you honour your parents, elders, and leaders?

If your scripted part is well-acted, the possibility of abundant provision is assured

Whom do you submit to? Who calls you to order? Who makes you lie down?


My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him, for whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges, and scourges every son and whom He receives. Heb 12:5-6


  1. Lord JESUS i submit to you.
    Lead me LORD

  2. Father I humble myself before voluntarily , please don't humble me forcefully in Jesus name


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