Confront your issue with faith today!

The woman had an issue of blood, a medical condition which some today regard as menorrhagia and others, hemorrhoids, it lasted for twelve years. The condition was a grave medical situation, especially at the time where medical ingenuity was far from the touch of today. It was a terribly discomfiting situation for the woman. I knew someone years ago that had an issue of blood not in this class, but unsuitable, the blood flowed for as long as it could go, this condition set many odds against this woman.

What were the odds against her?

She was Ceremonially Unclean: 

She could not worship, Lev 19:15-19. There were several laws that guided Judaic religious worship; one such was that women having their period weren't allowed into the temple for worship, they could not even touch others because anything they touched was deemed unclean. Due to her condition, she was not allowed into the temple, nor was she allowed to touch another person; she must have felt disconnected from God and from man. Religion made her believe that she was soiled and unworthy. According to the religious laws, she was unclean and had to be ostracized. 

Her Health was Frail

This condition meant that she would be frail because of the volume of blood that she had lost. She couldn't be the same and would have been prone to infection. You need blood infusion when you lose blood in that fashion, but there wasn't access at the time. This woman would be consistently weak, little wonder she had rugged faith in Jesus as she trusted Him for her healing.

She was Fleeced of Finances

She had spent all that she had on treatment and diagnosis from place to place and person to person and had spent all that she had. I could imagine how much she might have been defrauded in desperation for cure, just how much she must have been taken advantage of. If the same passion that she lavished on faith in Jesus was the same that she had given into every presented opportunity, she must have suffered a lot, but I do think it wasn't though she really desired something better.

She was Scorned Openly 

The story leaves no doubt about how she felt. She must have thought that Jesus would have to observe some washing rituals in order to purify himself since she had touched Him. It seemed more like she was a case study, a specimen for observation, and everywhere she went there would be fingers pointing at her, must have been a great deal of humiliation, however, her healing came.

Kindly note that it was not the odour from her touch or presence that caught Jesus' attention, rather her faith connection to the power grid.

The woman is more famous today for the heroic act of faith than her issue. What are the odds against you today?

Confront your issue with faith today!

Refs: Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48


  1. Lord Jesus Christ said we need faith as little as the mustard seed but, the woman's faith was a great one.
    Without faith, it's impossible to please GOD. Why is it so difficult for us to have faith?
    Help me to have your faith Oh Lord in Jesus name, Amen.

  2. Thank for this sir. This shows that no matter what we are going through as children of God, it is for glorification and having a difficult issues that defers all solutions is not the end of life because there is till sure and perfect solutions provider in person of our Lord and saviour Jesus christ. All we need to do is having faith in him even as little as that of mustard seed. The woman with issue of blood has confidence in human knowledge but they all failed her untill she realized the right source which eventually made her whole. Many of us today instead of putting our trust in Jesus, we till seek for solutions where there is no solutions but inflicted with more problems. This woman was rich before but she spent all that she has, was abused sexually and was exposed to more diseases but when she came to Jesus her story change to glory, her problems was forgotten but her faith became testimonies to her generations and generations after her. God did not abandon her in the problem. He is ever presence God in time of trouble. The woman was alive throughout 12years of losing so much blood everyday. The woman loss a lot of blood in not less than 4380days and was till alive, because God was with her. In those problems we found ourslves, God is always with us. He will never forsake his owns. Remember but if i may touch. It is faith been build up. May our faith continue to grow every moment in Jesus name

  3. Thank for this sir. This shows that no matter what we are going through as children of God, it is for glorification and having a difficult issues that defers all solutions is not the end of life because there is till sure and perfect solutions provider in person of our Lord and saviour Jesus christ. All we need to do is having faith in him even as little as that of mustard seed. The woman with issue of blood has confidence in human knowledge but they all failed her untill she realized the right source which eventually made her whole. Many of us today instead of putting our trust in Jesus, we till seek for solutions where there is no solutions but inflicted with more problems. This woman was rich before but she spent all that she has, was abused sexually and was exposed to more diseases but when she came to Jesus her story change to glory, her problems was forgotten but her faith became testimonies to her generations and generations after her. God did not abandon her in the problem. He is ever presence God in time of trouble. The woman was alive throughout 12years of losing so much blood everyday. The woman loss a lot of blood in not less than 4380days and was till alive, because God was with her. In those problems we found ourslves, God is always with us. He will never forsake his owns. Remember but if i may touch. It is faith been build up. May our faith continue to grow every moment in Jesus name

  4. Amen Sir! Well said. God Help us build our faith in Him the more.


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