Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly.
Progression is a
noticeable order in life, nothing ever truly remains in the same position from
start to finish, it either appreciates or depreciates.
The scripture above, Job
8:7 communicates
a reasonable order of things. Some persons want to start out a life cause or
pioneer an investment and want to start from the peak, it doesn’t work that way,
everything responds to the corresponding laws of engagement.
You are expected to
advance, get better, and move forward Pr 4:18. Everything that exists
starts from a minimal point and rises to maximum levels, humans begin from a
single cell at intercourse and continue to multicellular from fertilization.
Things move from good to better, so it might be safe to say that beginnings are called good; good will get better and better over time, the end is the accumulation of many goods and that is why the end is being reputed to be better than the beginning, better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.
Why Little Beginnings
Little beginnings remind
that there is space for growth and improvement
Little beginnings remind
that you are not perfect from the start
Little beginnings remind
that life is about processes
Little beginnings remind
that you have to stay humble
Little beginnings remind that everything started small
No matter how much is
committed to whatever you begin, it is still little because there is an expected increase.
Where are you today? What
have you pioneered or what are you pioneering? Start out little, don’t wait
till you have all that you think you need, all things start little. Are you
still little, don’t worry, you will get better and grow bigger.
Amen in Jesus name 🙏
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