Image Credit:Inner Wisdom Resources

God meets our needs with His resources 'Riches in the heavenlies…' A resource can be defined as a deposit used for supply or support. A root meaning of the word ‘Resource’ puts it as something that routes a thing back to the source, it means ‘Re-Source’.

The Source is the origin of a thing, while the prefix, ‘Re’ means to go back to an original state or to the former, to direct again or cause to be back, to bring back. So, a resource can be said to be that which routes a thing back to its source.

All men have been programmed with resources as God’s commitment to man from the outset Gen 1:27. God’s (Heaven's) resources are those things that God gives us that routes us back to Him, whatever God provides is not intended to take us away. God’s blessings are divine resources that are meant to cause Him to be in our remembrance (memories) always.

What Resources

1. Life: Life is God’s great gift to man, the greatest treasure of all. The privilege of breath breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul, it is such a privilege to be born into life and carry on in life. Life is a resource to be treasured

2. The Blessing: Eph 1:3. The blessing is an intangible value, which means that it can’t be seen or held but its reality is undeniable. The blessing is Spiritual Empowerment to prosper; it is willed to those who carry the God-life within. Grace is a component of this resource, it is the God factor in all that you do that causes things to work in your favour,.

3. Youth: Remember ‘Now’ thy creator in the ‘Days’ of your youth: Keep God in mind, in your time(s) of productivity, in the days of strength and agility and in the moments of vision. This segment/aspect of life is a resource and we are to keep God in mind or use that privileged resource as a route to and in Him

4. Time: Remember ‘Now’ thy creator in the ‘Days’ of your youth. Time is a priceless resource that God has given to every man, about two time dispensations were mentioned here 1. Now (immediate time), 2. Days (Time over a period). Time is that special resource given to man before judgment closes the chapter after death. It is in time that the window of redemption is framed.

5. Blessings: Blessings are material manifestations of the blessing in a person; it is identifiable as wealth, health, goodwill, and material prosperity. The blessing of the Lord maketh Rich

Some folks drawback in their commitment to God after material blessings and the excuse is that the blessings come with their own problems. God’s blessings don’t come with problems, it is human complications that give rise to all those.

You must be conscious of the resources at your disposal, know what they signify and know what to do with them.

Are you resourceful?

Additional References: Proverbs 10:22, Eccl 12:1, Gen 2:7, Phil 4:19 


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