‘When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit’ Jn 19:30, 

Mark 15:37 reveals that Jesus breathed his last with a loud cry and some theologians believe that this “loud cry” was the same as John’s record of the words, ‘It is finished. It had to be loud because all had to hear his final declaration and be witnesses to it. Some scholars have argued this closing statement from Jesus ‘It is finished’ to mean that Jesus was finished, a cry of defeat and regret.

The word 'finished’ in this verse is actually from the Greek word, ‘tetelestai’, which means ‘paid in full’ Often, it was used in an accounting term, which indicates a debt was paid. In other words, the debt of mankind has been paid in full, man no longer owes anyone. Jesus had completed His redemptive work on earth; the unique thing about the phraseology is that it covers both a point in time that it was complete and that it would also continue to be complete or finished

Jesus became the final and ultimate sacrifice for our sin, of course, you know about the Old Testament model of redemption which was the yearly sacrifices by priests offering the blood of clean animals.

Friends, God had initiated redemption ever since man fell, but it would only be in parts because nobody was qualified to get the job done till Christ came. He came to “finish” God’s work of salvation in us. He came to “pay it in full,” the entire penalty, or debt, for our sins. 
 Let me proclaim that Christ has paid it all and paid it in full, you are no longer a debtor, Rom 8:12-17, don’t be bound by guilt, don’t condemn yourself, your efforts would not save you Eph 2:9, only the finished work of Jesus will save you. Perhaps you need to also understand why Christ is the author of grace and the person of grace Jn 1:16-17, it is because he finished it all and became our covering, the reason the father adopted us and is now delighted in us Rom 8:15.

You need Jesus

It is finished.



  1. And because salvation is finished and
    Nothing is left undone, all subunits of salvation are thus fully packed in the wholesome work, the new life, new health, new bliss, new strength, new covenant...old passed...new life and new hope of glory

    1. Hallelujah. Christ in us, the hope of glory. God bless you sir

  2. AMEN for ever finished.
    Thank you sir

  3. Thank God for the salvation of my soul Hallelujah

  4. Hmmm... Awesome. The debt of our sins has been paid in full. Glory!


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