At Christmas, many families adorn their homes with many beautiful ornaments including Christmas trees with their adornments and a visible star at the top of them.

The Magi traveled many miles following the lead of the star till they finally got to the place where the child was located. It must be noted that this wasn't a mere science experiment or observation, rather, 

spiritual as stated by the wise men.

While this account is somewhat interesting, we are commanded not to seek knowledge through worship or acquaintance with mediums or other spiritual sources apart from God.

Jesus is the shining star. Jesus is the light of the world. Being light doesn't make him luminous, instead points to something deeper. Jesus' shining light is a manifestable life of grace and love, a life well lived to the fullest. In him was life and the life was the light of men. 

Jesus said as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 

Jesus was shining because he lived a purposeful, impactful, and meaningful life, representing the father in the fullest measure. Jesus commissioned us as lights of the world 'you are the light of the world'.

Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.

 When you are called light which you are by association with Christ, you shine, that's what stars do, this shine means that you live a full life of Godly representation.

Jesus was the star/light representation 

Compliments of the Season


Mt 2:1-14, Jn 9:5, Jn 1:1, Phil 2:15, Mt 5:14

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