The cheerful message of the angel which was news was the birth of the savior of the world which was supposed to give them joy!

JOY is spiritual excitement, it is a state of spiritual excitation and it is the excitement of the spirit. Joy is directly linked to the spirit, It is a fruit of the Spirit of God and not the senses and even higher than the mind.

Joy is to be understood as being separate from happiness.

Happiness is an excitation of the senses motivated by environmental occurrences. It is sensual stimulation by seemingly positive events that happen to us. Examples are when things work out for you as expected, when you increase materially and when things seem right.

Joy is an excitation of the spirit by the spirit of God. An example is standing strong and motivated even in the face of a challenge. That is why the bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength.

In other words, the newness being offered is a spiritual thing. The spirit of man that was once dead,  would be stirred up by the savior of the world. The spirit that was once called the old would now be made new.

You need joy and all people need joy. …Great joy for you and all people.

The world is in such dire need of joy. Everything around these days is dispiriting and demotivating etc. You daily need joy because you need to stay excited and motivated to face and live life meaningfully and purposefully.

Compliments of the season


 Luk 2:10,Gal 5:22,Neh 8:10,Eph 2:1,Col 2:13,Eph 4:24, 2 Corr 5:17

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