Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city and cry against it, for their wickedness is come up before me…Jonah 1:2
There was a time in my
faith walk that hearing God seemed like something reserved only for faith
fathers. I rationed that it was impossible for God to speak to men, how does He
sound, how does He do it was my question.
God called Jonah to
arise and go to preach national repentance in Nineveh. They were a wicked lot
and the stench of their wickedness had risen to the highest heavens. Only God
could save them from impending doom.
Notice that God told
Jonah to arise and go.
You might ask, arise from where or what? It simply refers to a submitted state
that He was in; he was waiting on the Lord, probably in devotion or prayer, one
might also be tempted to assume that it was a retreat; the broad symbolism
being that he was in the presence of the Lord.
The word that came to
Jonah was as clear as possible and it was God’s unmistakable voice; this would
have been so occasioned because He dwelt in the place of the word, the word was
clear because Jonah tarried and waited on the Lord.
Many people are not
sure if they hear the voice of the Lord or not, some just talk about a blurry
encounter, they are not sure what the Lord is saying concerning their
situations. The easy way out is to cultivate a way with the Lord, build an
unbroken fellowship with the spirit of God
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