God handed everyone the privilege of His presence

Call upon me and I will answer you... Jer 33:3

God gives the prayer prompt or call; whenever you pray, you heed God's call; it is a response to His call, not an initiation. Your prayer is a response to God's call. We need to thank God for the priviledge of outreach; the thought of this divine priviledge accorded us fills my heart with joy when in prayer 

Why does God want you to call upon Him?

He wants to hear from youCall upon me and I will answer you Jer 33:3. God desires to hear from you at all times. When God brought us into a loving relationship with Him, He designed that the relationship be sustained by fellowship. Remember when Joshua was charged about the study of the word, he was told to meditate day and night and so is the prayer routine. Men ought always to pray… Lk 18:1, pray without stopping 1 Thess 5:17.

He wants to forgive your Sins and Trespasses: Is 1:18 come, let us reason togetherif my people that are called by my name shall humble themselves and prayI will2 Chron 7:14. God desires to hear from you because He wants to cleanse all sins and unrighteousness. Don't keep your wrongs and errors to yourself, seek the Lord today. Your sins may be red or black (descriptive of extremities), God wants to hear from you regardless; it is time for a cleansing.

He wants to Bring Healing: I will bring unto it health and cure...Jer 33:6. God wants you to enjoy divine health, but you must ask Matt 7:7. It is his desire that you have good health and be healing from every sickness. 3 Jn vs 2, Ex 15:26

He wants to have Mercy and shower Grace in Time of Need: Heb 4:16 come boldly before the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace for help in time of need. We all have needs and God is aware, concerned, and willing to provide, Phil 4:19. God wants to meet all your needs, there is abundant supply at the throne of grace. God knows that you need mercy and grace covering; he calls you to place the request and expect His supply.

He wants to affirm your position in him and in destiny: Adam where are you: Gen 3:15. When you call upon the Lord, you affirm your position in Him and to Him, your position in life and destiny matters to God at every time and here's one reason that He reached out to you.

He wants you to have reasonable fellowship with Him: God wants you to share everything with Him, just as He wants to share everything with you. He desires you to be intimate with Him. 1 Jn 1:3

He wants us to be mindful of His call of us: Who has saved us and called us with a Holy calling 2 Tim 1:9. God called us; in prayer, we are assured of His call of us and upon our lives.

God bless you.



  1. This is deep
    Fills my heart with renewed love for prayer

  2. Wow This is great. God has ordered us to call on him which eventually become our right but this right can only be guarantee if we live in total submissions to him (holiness) 2chronicle7:14. I ask for the grace to obey His call in Jesus name. Thank you sir

  3. Dear Lord,please give me the grace to always pray and have reasonable fellowship with you every day in Jesus name. Amen


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