As defined earlier, a beginning is a period that a thing commences or starts, the period that life, being, activity, or body is set in motion. Beginning is the source; Beginning is that period called the foundation or time of foundation lying (foundating). Beginning is also the time that something begins, commences or is initiated. Everything in creation has a beginning or start period.

Beginnings are not to be despised or taken for granted for the reason of being little; many people often attribute insignificance to this stage or do not take it seriously because they do not see a huge or noticeable impactful activity. 

Discerning beginnings is very crucial to getting it right from the start. In a man's life, there are many beginnings and it is important to know these times. Beginnings mostly come in/as little packages; it can be said in other terms that they are little 'Little beginnings. Many people have the habit of looking down on this period, people or stage in life. 

How to discern beginnings

Nature Understanding: Eccl 3:1-11

According to the arrangement of God and times of life, certain events are primed for certain times. There is time for everything under the sun, as such; there is a time to start or begin and your responsibility is to discern these times through learning, prayer, understanding, and deep discernment.

Intentional Initiation: Prov 24: 3-5

This is by decision, by wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established, you can decide to chart a new course because of some new knowledge, or a discovered need. You initiate the beginning on purpose, not essentially because you are forced or compelled to but because of knowledge.

Accidental Placement: Judges 16:15-21

Some beginnings are forced due to circumstances beyond our control, you might be forced to initiate a new bend, take a new turn, realign or restart. The accidental is that which is not planned but happens and forces you to make adjustments. This may be both bad and good, but depends on the actions and steps you take, examples are; Samson, who had to adjust to a blind beginning…also, Saul’s son, Mephibosheth who became lame in both feet after a fall, lastly, Joseph had to adjust to life as the head of a nation.

Discern and Divine Discretion

God bless you





  1. This is wonderfully great. May our little beginning produce great result in Jesus name. Thank you sir

  2. Great message, wonderful teaching

  3. I believe if we fail in the first part of the beginning, the accidental placement part must be well arranged to have a good ending.

    Thank you sir


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