I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me...Phil 4:13

Some years ago, I visited a tertiary institution meant for people with special needs. I was there for a fellowship meeting but what I’d see would remain with me for a lifetime. Initially I never perceived anything strange until I walked past a hall, where a number of people were gathered, and there was quite some noise coming from that place.

I wondered what the noise was about and inquired from my host that had come to receive me, I was told that they were special needs people in worship, the blind, deaf, dumb etc. I was taken aback because I saw firsthand, a people joyfully expressing themselves, not caving into any imbalance or impairment. I can hardly forget that experience because I saw such passion and unparalleled love and commitment. To me, I didn’t see disability, rather, a group of people that realized that they were ‘This-able’.

Most or all of us respond to life issues based on one of these two possible stereotypes of Disabled or This-able.

Disabled: To be incapacitated, unable or not being able to carry out a particular function. In other words, it means to be limited. A group of twelve smart representatives (spies) were sent by the Jewish community led by Moses to spy out the prospects of a future settlement (Canaan). Ten returned with negative news, while two came back with positive perceptions. These kinds of people (The ten negatives) are limited because they are filled with a negative mindset of impossibility.

This-able: Talks about the realization of potential, the discovery of ability. David stood tall with a ‘This-able’ mentality when the entire Israeli army couldn’t stand up to the mighty boastful Goliath. Goliath was eventually humbled and humiliated by the less famed Jew. The end result proved what the This-able mentality brings

Factors that influence your This-able or Disable Mentality

1. Your Sense of Vision: The Spies saw differently, this influenced their reports and eventual decision. Your vision is crucial. 

2. Your Company: The group of ten negatives banded together and reported a consistent message of impossibility and fear, while the two positive did otherwise and got an astonishingly different outcome. He that walks with the wise will be wise but a company of fools will be destroyed, Proverbs 13:20

3. Your Leadership Submission: Whom you submit to in leadership determines the mindset that you imbibe. David says, He (the Lord, my shepherd), makes me to lie down...Whom you submit to determines the battles you are able to take on, David took on the giant and slew him. Whom do you submit to?

4. Your faith: Your faith is your confidence in God's ability. They that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits. Do you have faith?

The This-able ability comes through Jesus Christ Phil 4:13

Where you lie in this determines the outcome that you get, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he

To Him that is pure, all things are pure

Numbers 13:1-25, 1 Samuel 17:1-25, Phil 4:13, Proverbs 23:7, Proverbs 13:20, Titus 1:15, Daniel 11:32, Ps 23:2

God bless You!


  1. My abilities comes from Yahweh, I am able to accomplish what He has predetermined for me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Thank you sir.

  2. I can do all things through christ that strengthen me. Untill we start having this confidence in us "I Can" we can't achieve a lot in life . I Can" is confidence, faith, ability and strength. The strength is already embeded in us through Jesus christ. All we need is to just ignite it or put into action and it will work. With the words "I Can" we can move mountains and break barriers, healing the sicks, even raise the death. Joshua ,Caleb, David, Esther, Deborah,peter,Paul till counting applied this principle "I Can" and they did exploits for God. They know their God, they have faith in their God, they are focused. They don't allow discourage and distractions to put them down. Disable is not disability all you need is to ignite the strenght which has been embeded in you by Christ Jesus and you will begins to do exploits.we shouldn't be discouraged with this present conditions, tomorrow will able glorious. I" Can" "You Can" We Can". Let us make use of the strength in us. Take that step of faith today and you will see wonders. God bless you sir.


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