According to the united Nations website, The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. See history of the united nations here
Whereas previously human rights included the right to life and basic rights of liberty and freedom, it is no longer the case. Over the years, the UN has increasingly pushed its own sinister global agenda to a point where they now claim that the right to kill is a human right (abortion). Human rights have therefore evolved over the years from protecting the right to life, to now protecting the right to murder (intentional act of killing).
The UN and prostitution
The latest agenda that the UN is currently pushing involves redefining prostitution and calling it “sex work” in a bid to legalise and continue their journey to license immorality, sexualise nations, and break up the family unit and cause it to be more dysfunctional. In South Africa , the UN and Human Rights Watch (HRW) are supporting SWEAT – The Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force to decriminalise prostitution.
How does an organisation that was set up to protect the vulnerable and disadvantaged become the “poster child” for sexual violations and abuse?
The UN and CSE – Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The UN, along with their close partners, Planned Parenthood – the global abortion conglomerate – are also behind the push to sexualise children by introducing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools. Sexual immorality and promiscuity is a clear agenda that is being driven by the UN.
In a recently released dossier that former senior United Nations official Andrew Macleod handed over to DFID Secretary Priti Patel last year, it was found that there are 3300 paedophiles employed in UN and further that UN employees carried out 60 000 rapes in the last decade. How does an organisation that was set up to protect the vulnerable and disadvantaged become the “poster child” for sexual violations and abuse? How are we to believe that this is the organisation that has our children’s best interest at heart? This is clearly an organisation that is only interested in sexualising our children and driving an agenda to drive a wedge between parents and their children and take over parental responsibility.
The UN and religion
In the latest news, the Centre for Family and Human Rights reports that a “special expert on freedom of religion” – the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief – is now pushing for the world’s leading religions to submit to the authority of the UN and its human rights bodies. The overall aim is that UN ideas and beliefs should override the beliefs of the mainstream religions.
New World Order
Considering all the above, it is becoming very clear that the One/New World Order’s strategic plan of action is being fast-tracked and will be implemented if those who are supposed to speak out remain silent. Look for us on Facebook and join the movement #WeShallNotBeSilent
Read more here
Credits: Joy!News
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