Ye are the salt of the earth…Mt 5:13

Salt preserves, it keeps substances from spoilage, it prevents putrefaction, delays decay for as long as possible. To prevent any food item from getting spoilt, apply salt which in itself is a unique chemical. If you are called salt, then it means that you are a preservative agent, you are a unique chemical (metaphorical) and there is a preservative grace in you. God would ensure that you are in certain environments and around certain people so that they may be preserved and protected from the spoilage of the world by virtue of their contact with you or because of your presence. The evil one is called the corrupted, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Jn 10:10 Only a grace preservation can keep us from his corrupting influence

We have the grace of preservation in us: So we are agents of preservation, we can help preserve values, morals, virtues, and most importantly, lives: Just as the salt already has in it the chemical empowerment to preserve things from spoilage so does the believer have the empowerment of grace to preserve this world as stated in God’s charge to Adam, Gen 2:15 ‘dress it and KEEP (preserve it) IT’. So, I would say that it is in you; rise up, preserve your world. You can preserve your world because of your grace empowerment just as the salt does.



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