I have often wondered why Jesus chose Judas (a thief) as one of the twelve despite knowing who he was because that He knew all men Jn 2:24. Even more puzzling to me was the fact that Jesus even made Judas His ministry’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), he managed inflow and outflow of all the finances Jn 12:6.

Jesus was once preaching at a village called Samaria. The people were not responding to His message. James and John got so infuriated that they wanted to call down fire to consume the people, they were nicknamed ‘the sons of thunder to complement their temperament. Lk 9:54

On another occasion, Jesus was talking to the disciples about His impending death; And all James and John could ask Him was, ‘Could we sit right hand and left hand in glory’ Mk 10:37, they even brought their mother to lobby Jesus on their behalf Mt 20:20-22; It’s like asking someone who the doctor told has a terminal disease and had three weeks to live if you can have his suit and shoes! How selfish, what insensitivity

But under Jesus’ influence and ministry, these brothers experienced a nature transformation so much that James became the first apostle to be martyred. John became known as the apostle of love. His insensitivity had given way!

How come Judas, who came to Jesus as a thief, heard him teach, dined, and wined with Him, yet he died the same way that he came, a thief. How come some people seem not to change having spent years as believers.

Your views will be appreciated


Post Written by Pastor Sola Sorinolu


  1. Choice and how we use them is very key to our transformation. The state of our heart too but s supposed to change with our involvement with Christ but if we choose to harden our heart, we allow what is trivia to ruin us.

  2. Hearing and knowing the word (which is Jesus) is different from accepting him. The acceptance will change our life

  3. Help our hearts to be transformed dear Lord in Jesus name. Amen

  4. Simply because they don't believed in the integrity of the word of God. Another reason is that their heart are hardened, that is, they don't have the heart of flesh and they are happy about. And some are like Judas Iscarot, they just want to be identified with christ but they don't act like Jesus Christ or walk in His way. While some are lazy, what they need to do to overcome the flesh they find it difficult to do it, like study and meditating in the words of God, fasting and praying, Avoiding bad company. I pray we shall not be cast away in the last day in Jesus name

  5. Simply because they don't believed in the integrity of the word of God. Another reason is that their heart are hardened, that is, they don't have the heart of flesh and they are happy about. And some are like Judas Iscarot, they just want to be identified with christ but they don't act like Jesus Christ or walk in His way. While some are lazy, what they need to do to overcome the flesh they find it difficult to do it, like study and meditating in the words of God, fasting and praying, Avoiding bad company. I pray we shall not be cast away in the last day in Jesus name

  6. I agree with everyone's assertion but, we should remember what is said in 1cor10:12, no one is assured of his status with God except those who focused seriously with the help of the Holy Spirit on Christ to the end.
    Peter almost had a similar issue"Luke 22:31-32, if not for the help of Christ.
    Only God knew how many damages uncle Moses would have done if God hadn't intervened.
    I only pray for divine help and grace from God to uphold us till the end.
    Remember, it's not by power nor might of ours zechariah 4:6.

    Even if you are convinced, rise for the help of others so that you won't miss heaven because of what you didn't or do well.

    Thank you all. I learned from everyone's contribution.

  7. If ye hear His Word...better not harden your heart

    With humility, accept desiringly the pure milk of the Word

    May we not take His Grace for granted on the wrong notion that it will continue to abound


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