God wants to hear from you

Call upon me…

The prayer prompt is simply the call to prayer. The question is who gives the prompt, man or God. I will consider 3 scripture accounts

Jer 33:3 Call upon me

Here Jeremiah records a direct divine wording. It is God reaching out to man to call upon Him. God wants to hear from you, he wants to keep you close; He wants you to know that He is interested in you. Your matter isn’t exactly as people have painted it to be, you need to hear God’s perspective.

Is 43:22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob…

In the preceding verse, God said ‘this people have I formed for myself, they will shoe forth my praise’. That’s a strong purpose statement; we get to know that we are to show forth the praises of God. But there is a problem; many people are not showing forth the praises of God and God is concerned, he said, ‘you have not called upon me’. You must be connected to God at all times; it is He that can help you live praiseworthy life.

Matt 7:7 Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open unto you

The key to receiving is asking and Jesus here reminds us what the pattern is. If you desire it, ask from God who already has the desire to give it to you however, He wouldn’t until you ask.

Here is the pattern, God is the very foundation of the relationship that he called us to. The prompt to pray isn’t man’s initiative, rather, man’s response to God’s call. Whenever you pray, just remember that you finally heeded God’s call to dial, you didn’t trigger God.

The prompt is God telling us that

He loves us Jer 31:3Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love
He desires to be with us Jn 14:3 …that where I am, there ye may be also…
He desires to hear from us at all times
He is concerned about all that we are going through 1 Thess 5:18 In everything, give thanks…
He wants to tell us everything that we need to know
He wants to give us everything that we need to have. 


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