In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God

This is a well known verse: it introduces the living word, the person, Jesus, who is the central message/theme of the scriptures. kindly note, I would only draw out a little charge from the depths of this scripture, whatever I represent here is only just an introduction. The highlights below help us to understand the verse more personally

The Reality of the word: In the beginning was the word.

There was a being in the beginning, He was called the Word, He wasn’t just in the beginning, He was the beginning because in Him all things consist Col 1:17, Heb 1:3

This being is real, Heb 11:6, He isn’t a fictional character and in fact, the takeaway in this clause is the reality of His being. Our interaction with, belief in, or action with the Word is personal, while He is the God of creation, He is much more, the God of the individual. Individual disposition, feelings, dogmas or personal bias does nothing to change the reality of the word Heb 13:8. The word is the standard of judgment and the basis of all things that are and will be 2 Corinthians 5:10. The first persuasion in this scripture is that you are to believe in the reality of this person called the Word, 2 Chronicles 20:20. He is the beginning that caused the beginning. Believe in the Lord your God…

The place of the word: the word was with God

The Word is not a standalone being, He had a companion, the person, God, He had equal placement with God Phil 2:5-9. His place at the beginning was with God. When God created man, He loved man Jer 31:3 and always desired to be with us Jn 14:3, from the Garden of Eden to the cross, His desire remained the same and He still wants to be with us today Mk 3:14. Have you made room for Him; will you open the door of your heart? Rev 3:20. Emmanuel isn’t just a name, He is a message

The Revelation of and by the Word: the word was God

Here the word is revealed to be God, 1 Jn 1:1. This is the most important revelation in the scriptures; the unveiling of the Word of God, Rev 1:1. While you may take it lightly, it is a scripture that separates Christianity from conventional religions and faiths because it centralizes Christ as the ultimate revelation and theme of the scripture. The ultimate aim of scripture is to reveal Christ Jn 5:39.

To get wedged into the word, here is the scripture sequence: You must believe that God is real, and then you must make a place for Him then is when you receive deeper revelations of Him and also the open door of abundant revelations through Him.

God bless you



  1. Thank you sir.
    Please I desire a better understanding of Heb 1:3f.

  2. You right sir. It is in three dimensions, 'the word, the same word was with God, the same word was God Himself. The word is Jesus christ the saviour of the word. He was equal to God but make himself no reputation and surrender to the will of His father because he love us tenderly and gave his life for us so that we might be saved. He is the same word that was spoken and all the creatures both living and non- living came into existence. May the grace to be thirsty and hunger for the word be bestowed upon us in Jesus name. Remember he love us first and He is expecting our love in return by not cause him heartache "No comitting sin again". We are saved by grace therefore holiness is our watchword.


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