Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul…? Mk 8:37

Redemption is God's buyback plan for man. Ever since man fell in the Garden of Eden, he lost his position, power, presence, and more importantly, his most prized possession, life (precious living soul).

 Just How Much Does the Human Soul Worth?

 In our world today, where organ harvesting, kidnapping, human trafficking in exchange for money has become the norm, there is an uncanny impression that humans are costed just like any other environmental material or being but is that the case? Kidnappers demand huge sums for their victims and organ harvesters rake in millions from the sale of body parts and organs like eyes, privates, kidneys, livers but are they appropriately costed according to divine reality? The answer is NO.

Whatever can be given for the exchange of the soul is the worth of that soul. Redemption gives a clue to the real cost of the human soul. The legal tender in the redemption of man isn’t a material substance, rather the precious blood of Jesus in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sinsCol 1:14. The precious blood of Jesus was the legal tender in the divine justice scheme ... you were slain, and with your blood, you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation’ Revelation 5:9.  Peter teaches us that ‘our redemption was not purchased with ‘perishable things such as silver or gold ... but with the precious blood of Christ’ 1:18,19. He goes on to explain why the blood of Christ is so precious, so valuable. Christ is a lamb without blemish or defect.

No material thing is equivalent to the human soul what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul …’ Mt 16:26 In other words, it is possible for a man to possess all the world’s wealth but it still cannot save him, it’s not worth his soul. God owns all the worlds wealth Hag 2:8 and can easily mobilize all for man’s redemption, but He knows it doesn’t even come close. The life of angels isn’t even worth it, the only thing that can redeem man is a pure man that isn’t even available or could be ever possible since all men from Adam are smeared with sin already Rom 5:12, Ps 51, which is why God had to come as a man

You are Priceless  

You are not cheap, don’t let anybody undervalue or degrade you, don’t let anyone take advantage of you. God values you and paid the price with His life that’s how important you are. The entire world’s resources put together cannot buy you; No matter what you are going through, no matter what you are facing, you are PRECIOUS?

Have you met Jesus? Only in Him, lays the fullness of the redemptive package


  1. Halleluyah , thanks to Jesus that paid it all.

  2. Awesome God! The greatest strategist! Nothing meets His imagination! None like our God whose ways and doings are wonderful!
    Thank you Jesus for the payment and down payment for those who are yet to know You.
    I am grateful oh Lord!

  3. Why do we always undervalue ourselves even when we to an extent knows what it costs God to redeem us.
    God, 🙏 open our understanding to your ways in Jesus name
    Thank again Sir

  4. Thank you Jesus for your precious blood that paid it all and redeemed me back to God


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