Peace is a state of freedom from war or disturbance


Is it possible to be in this trouble-free state?

Sometimes, peace seems to be a mere word, it sounds like the description of something that never exists; it seems to be some sort of myth and belief that is not in connection with reality. Many times in life we define things according to our perception of them not as they really are. Your situation or perception of peace does nothing to change what peace really is.  

Phil 4:7, the Bible relates that God’s comfort to you today is that He is giving you His own kind of peace, this is the best kind that you can have because it is known to surpass all human understanding, you may not be able to describe its flow you just know that it is; it is beyond mere seeing, feeling and is above all words said or felt. 

You don’t have to feel it before you experience it, you don’t have to see favorable lines before you affirm it; you don’t have to be told before you live in it, and it transcends all because it is God’s. God is beyond thoughts and imagination. This peace comes and is experienced by absolute dependence on God, you will know (experience) that peace, because God is in you and relates by faith, Heb 11:6.

Believe in the Lord Jesus and He will establish that peace in your heart, whether you feel it or not, if the Lord says that you have it, then you have it, it is by faith and not by sight. That’s the best thing that can happen to you today, believe and become that word, PEACE.



  1. Yes, I receive The Lord's Peace in Jesus name, Amen.
    Thank you for this message. The peace of The Lord will fill your mind and spirit also in Jesus name.

  2. It is the kind of peace even in the midst of trouble, persecution and chaos your mind is settle, you feel relax, no worry, because it seem all is well and all is well is a weapon of our warfare because when it is in action satan get mad and frustrated. God bless sir

  3. Peace...not the absence of trouble but the presence of God....this is indisputable....if only you have experienced it!


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