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He has redeemed them from every nation, kindred and tribe and has made them a kingdom of priests and kings unto our God. Rev 5:10

The leader’s league is a God-ordained system and pattern of leadership set up to bring many sons to glory For it became Him by whom are all things and for whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering Heb 2:10.  Notice that the people made into this kingdom Rev 5:10 are redeemed, not godless people, ordinary people, unprincipled people, undisciplined people; they are a people that have been bought back with the precious blood of Jesus. These people through their faith will subdue kingdoms, obtain promises and stop the mouth of lions Heb 11:33

Qualitative leadership is a big issue in the world today, there is a trust gap between people and their leaders and the sole reason for this is: Godliness is being shut out of most human establishments; even some churches have replaced Jesus with a counterfeit Jesus and have followed another faith and another lord.

God is the only person that desires to bring you into the fullness of purpose, Eph 1:5. The leader’s league set up by God will comprise of people that are very well connected to Him. They will lead in righteousness, truth, and fairness.

One compelling thing about these people is that they will reign on this earth. You may ask, when?  I say, soon, so please follow Christ, redemption is your ordination into this life and league.

Below are qualities that would be found in that class of people

They are Redeemed: They are people that have been redeemed from sin, death, and  hell, read more about their redemption here. Redemption is the ordination into rulership

Their sins have been cleansed: Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood Rev 1:5c, God has forgiven all their sins, they cannot be held back or down by cheap blackmails and slanders of the devil

They are from every nation, tribe, and tongue: And hast redeemed us to God by the blood out of every kindred, and tongue and people and nation Rev 5:9 so, basically, God is recruiting them from everywhere and I believe that your family, tongue, tribe, people, and nation aren’t left out, would you?

They are priestly and royalty: They are priests that would offer up spiritual sacrifices unto God 1 Pet 2:5, Peter also rightly describes them as a royal priesthood, that is, they rule as kings but also offer up spiritual sacrifices 1Pet 2:9 

God needs you in this league, are you redeemed, have your sins been cleansed, you are to be a royal priesthood; you are to reign on this earth. God needs people who can bring real change through kingdom influence.


  1. Thank God for His plans that never fails. Help me Father so that I will not be swayed away from your kingdom plans on earth and in heaven in Jesus name, Amen.
    Have a blessed day sir.

  2. May I continue to be relevant in God's kingdom work

  3. God's grace for exemplary life remain with us all in Jesus name. Amen


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