I came across this and thought to share it as I believe that it is a viable spiritual resource for healthy consumption.

We must be careful not to be caught in the cares of the times...carousing, drunkenness and cares of this life, which might make us misfits when He comes...Lk 21:34-35 (paraphrased).
Below are prophetic trends that we must carefully pay attention to:

1. Threats to Human existence

Jesus prophesied that humanity would come to the brink of self-destruction. This was not possible till we invented and began stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Now nations (and perhaps soon, terrorist groups) have the capacity to wipe out their enemies, but perhaps not before they retaliate with unrestrained destruction. This raises the specter of overkill—and the potential for total annihilation of the human race
In the meantime, we should watch these threats to human existence and pray daily for God’s Kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10). 

2. Watch the Middle East

The geographical focus of the Bible is on the Holy Land, so it is no surprise that the focus of end-time biblical prophecy is on the Middle East, and especially on Jerusalem. Jesus said, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near” (Luke 21:20). But much is prophesied to happen in the Middle East leading up to that time. Daniel tells of an end-time Middle Eastern king of the South who will attack the king of the North, provoking a whirlwind invasion (Daniel 11:40-43). 

3. Watch Europe
Above, we mentioned the powerful king of the North, also known in the Bible as the beast. Read “King of the North” to see how this ancient empire was swallowed up by the Roman Empire, and how the Roman Empire has gone through several revivals through the centuries.
One final restoration is prophesied for the end time, centered in Europe and intimately connected with a powerful religious leader. These important prophecies also bear watching, as Europe continues to unify and the role of the Roman church evolves.

4. Watch Moral Trends
Sin—disobedience to God’s laws—is the cause of much of the evil and suffering humanity faces. Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 lay out clearly the terrible consequences of sin, as well as the blessings of obedience. God wants us to take warning and change—to repent!So, as we see the decline in moral values in the world around us, we should take note and “sigh and cry over all the abominations” (Ezekiel 9:4). Jesus said we must not allow the lawlessness around us to cause us to let our love grow cold (Matthew 24:12-13).We especially watch the moral trends in nations that had strong biblical traditions and that have received the blessings of Abraham.

5. Watch the Ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Jesus listed religious deception, wars, famines, pestilences (disease epidemics and pandemics) and earthquakes as “the beginning of sorrows,” or birth pangs that will lead to the birth of a new world of peace (Matthew 24:5-8). A careful analysis of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” shows that the mysterious horsemen John saw represent these same four trends (Revelation 6:1-8).
the most important thing to watch is ourselves. Are we living a righteous life in anticipation of Christ’s return

Author: Mike Bennett


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