Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: Ps 23:4

On the 26th May 2008, I boarded a bus at the park, heading to Ogbomoso from Lagos. All seemed well till the bus began to show signs of fault; the driver managed and patched on the problem till it degenerated into full blown brake failure, in a matter of minutes, it ran into a bad portion on the express, and then, boom, chaos erupted; people started shouting and screaming. The vehicle had lost control, I couldn’t think of anything, I was calm; finally, it ended up in a roadside ditch, damaging other cars in the process…thankfully, I came out alive with minimal injury.

In the 91st psalm, the psalmist talks about the 'terror by night', ‘arrow that flies by day’; he further talks about the ‘pestilence that walks in the darkness’, ‘destruction that wastes at noon day’ and concludes it with people falling on every side, Ps 91:5-7. All these suggest dangers that lurk around us.

As you walk through life, you will discover that there are unfriendly dimensions in life. There are unfriendly zones, hateful times, destiny repulsive people and situations that confront you. The psalmist termed them 'the valley of the shadow of death'. You might sometimes find yourself in unsafe environments, where only a miracle can deliver you into safety, at other times, it may be a life threatening situation that requires nothing short of a miracle

There might be times that you would struggle; the struggles might be financial, career, matrimonial or even material. These struggles do not essentially indicate a lack of God's presence, protection, care or love, rather, reminiscent of the world that we live in.

Here’s what to do: Act out your belief (faith). The Psalmist said ‘I will fear no evil’. The whole essence of your build in the Lord is to prepare you to take on life. Trust in the Lord withProv 3:5-6. When faced with uncertainty, trust God.


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