Ps 122:1 and I was And I was glad when they said to me, let us go into the house of the Lord

The psalmist marveled at going into the church to fellowship with fellow believers, in today’s wordings, we might as well say that he gushed about going to church or service; we might also say that he was blushing about service.

I was born into a Christian home, from childhood, it was a norm to attend church services with little or no understanding of the purpose; teenage, came quick and it really wasn’t any different because it only seemed a normal way for Christians; thank God, I accepted Christ as my Lord and savior and know the purpose of fellowship with the brethren.

The world was largely locked down last year and physical gatherings were restricted and in most places proscribed out rightly. An after-effect of that was that most people never wanted to return to church even after lockdowns had been lifted; it continues to be an issue today.

But why was the psalmist glad, what’s the point of the excitement:

It is another opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of the brethren 1 pet 4:9-10
It is another opportunity to partake of the burdens of others Gal 6:2
It is another opportunity for wholesome restoration Gal 6:1
It is another opportunity to care and be care for 1 Corr 12:25
It was another glorious opportunity to fellowship with the brethren 1 Jn 1:7
It is a beautiful moment to sharpen one another. Prov 27:17

Enjoy a beautiful fellowship with the brethren.

God bless you


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