Guard your heart with all diligence...

Salt is an effective and efficient preservative, it preserves food substances for as long as possible; it is also a savory element that can influence the taste worthiness of a wide variety of foodstuff. We can otherwise say that it is an outcome determiner. Such is your life expectation because such is your manner of person and the influence you wield.

It is possible for the salt to run out of its chemical efficiency! It's preservative and savory potentials can be lost, this can happen if the salt is exposed to certain conditions and extreme processes. In the same vein, a believer can lose his victory edge Eccl 10:8, he can lose his faith Heb 3:12, his love can wax cold Mt 24:12, he could become lukewarm Rev 3:16 and he could drawback unto perdition Heb 10:39 but the question is, would these be you?

Do you still love the love, is your faith still leaning on Him, do you still hope and trust in the Lord, is heaven still your goal?

God wants to preserve His children in Him, in the faith, in His love; He wants us to stand steadfast, immovable 1 Corr 15:58. Your concentration increases only as you deepen yourself in His worship, God’s mission to His children is clear, ‘that they might have life and have it more abundantly Jn 10:10’; The primary motive of the enemy is to dilute and quench the concentration of Godly ones , do not lose your savor.




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