And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in two from top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent Mt 27:51

That day was a day of miracles…Not only was the temple veil shred in two halves, but other notable miracles were also happening in town: earthquake, rocks were rent, graves were opened and bodies of dead saints arose and were spotted in streets Mt 27:51b-53

At the very moment that Jesus breathed his last breath, the Temple veil that covered the entrance to the Holy of Holies, the actual dwelling place of God among the people was torn into two from top to bottom, Matthew 27:51. It is amazing to think about the sequel, you might think the use of the word veil meant transparent or easy see-through clothing, but instead, history records that the veil was about 4 inches in thickness and had a height of about 60 feet. 


The veiled Face of Moses

Moses returned from the mountain after days of grace encounter on the mountain top, the people could not behold his face because it shone so brightly with God’s glory; it had to be veiled, Ex 34:33-35. Such was the manner of the veiled tabernacle where the Glory of God could not be beheld because of the sinful nature of the people. His face had to be veiled before they could approach.


The Miracle of Unveiling

The enormous size of the veil would have made it impossible for any human to tear it into two pieces from top to bottom. No ordinary man did this, Jesus did: it symbolized that His sacrifice by the shedding of His blood, was a sufficient atonement for sins. It signified that now the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time. Don’t miss this, the miracles of God are often messages that God is trying to communicate to us, in this case, it is the miracle of the unveiling of His presence and person. This was a complete miracle from God’s hand, signifying that He had opened the door for us to come in and have a relationship with Him.


The Unveiled Face

but we all with an unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror, the glory of God...2 Corr 3:18. When the veil was rent in two, man was shown the reality of divine invitation into the holy of holies, the deep calls us unto depth, and we can approach God as children. The unveiling in the tabernacle also opens up a new relationship path, between God and man, it is now a direct relationship, we can now become the children of God, Rom 8:15 basking in and carrying the shekinah glory ‘are changed into the same image (glory) from glory to glory as by the spirit of God2 Corr 3:18c. The Access to the Holy God provides us priviledge of change into and in glory.


  1. What more must be done for us to show that God loves us? Masters don't keep their doors open for their servants but, This Great GOD is ever interested in relating with so He keeps access to Him opened for anyone who believes and is willing to walk with Him.
    Thank you Jesus (The true way) for this access to God.
    Thank you sir


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