Read Carefully, decide your stance

By: Aaron Kessel - Activist post

Google announced that it’s working on developing the next futuristic technology beyond smart phones — tattoos that turn the user into a human touchpad. Meanwhile, scientists are developing something way more sinister using similar skin-drawing technology to track its wearer’s movements.

Google is developing smart tattoos that, when applied to the skin, will transform the human body into a living touchpad via embedded sensors in the ink. No this isn’t science fiction; the wearable project is called “SkinMarks.” SkinMarks utilizes rub-on tattoos to create the next generation of wearable technology devices, CNET reported, citing white papers, and demo videos.

So how does the technology work?

The sensor-driven tattoos are applied to a part of the body, preferably one where you can swipe up and down with ease like an arm. The sensors can then be triggered by traditional touch or swipe gestures as we perform daily on smart phones.

However, there are a few more specific gestures related to the appendages of humans.

“You could squeeze the area around the tattoo or bend your fingers or limbs to activate the sensors.”

The project is in part being conducted by researchers at Saarland University in Germany who wrote in a white paper that the benefit of using skin as an interface “is tapping into the fine motor skills that human beings naturally have.”

Skin Marks is partly being funded through Google Faculty Research Awards.

Interacting with your own skin and limbs also means that you would be able to do actions without looking; this is also applicable possibly for VR.

The tattoos are made by screen printing conductive ink onto tattoo paper which rubs away after use. Some of the prototype tattoos include cartoon drawings or light-up displays. “Through a vastly reduced tattoo thickness and increased stretchability, a ‘SkinMark’ is sufficiently thin and flexible to conform to irregular geometry, like flexure lines and protruding bones,” the researchers wrote.

Although Google’s skin tattoo isn’t a spying device yet, other researchers led by Cunjiang Yu, Bill D. Cook Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Houston, has+ developed a similar form of electronics known as “drawn-on-skin electronics,” allowing multifunctional sensors and circuits to be drawn on the skin with an ink pen. They then use this technology as a wearable tracker for biometrics data. While Google’s idea is for fun, it could take a quick and disastrous Orwellian turn.

And this: from Prophecy News Watch

If this sounds like something you have read in the Book of Revelation you are correct. The Book of Revelation warns that during the Tribulation every the person will be required to accept a mark which will signify worship of a one-world leader (imagine if a built-in lie-detector was part of this technology) and be necessary for commerce:  "And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark -- the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and that number is six hundred sixty-six". Revelation 13:16-18

 Many Christians are concerned that acceptance of such technology is conditioning people for when the actual 'mark of the beast" is implemented. What often starts off as voluntary can just as easily become mandatory and whereas tech itself may be neutral, in the hands of the wrong person, it could be extremely dangerous.  Imagine the technology of today in the hands of Hitler. Christians have long debated the meaning of the "mark of the beast".  It still remains to be seen if the mark will be digital tattoos, microchips under the skin or some other form of biometric payment using the hand such as Amazon Pay, but there is no denying it, our generation appears to be the first in history to have the technology to fulfill this prophecy.

News Source: Activist Post


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